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What is LinkedIn? Why Use LinkedIn?

What is LinkedIn and Why It Is Important

What is LinkedIn? and why it is important? Most people know that Linkedin is also social media platform same as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

But this is different compared to other social media platforms it is a professional platform and professional people are using it.

So, this is the largest business networking used by employers, companies, and employees.

In this platform, you can showcase your skills, experience, expertise, education, and personal and contact information as well.

Its looks like a resume or CVS as you can add there also your experience, skills, expertise, and education but on a resume who can see all this information?

It is the World’s largest social media (Professional) network where you can find Work, jobs, remote work, you can sell your skills.

It is a platform for professional communication so here employers can find the right candidate and the company can connect with the new and old employees to inform new products and services.

Employers can find experts for their companies.

So are you ready? Let’s get started now❗

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What Is LinkedIn Used for? Benefits Of Using LinkedIn? Why Use LinkedIn?

What is LinkedIn? and Why It Is Important?

1. Build for Professional:

As we discussed above that this is only for professionals so now, we will explore who can use it for what purpose.

Job Seekers:

It allows job seekers to showcase their skills, and expertise in a professional way to recruiters and employers.

So, when recruiters and employers find candidates for companies then it is a professional impression for you that you can show them your resume online in the form of it.

Business Owner:

A business owner can use it for their business.

It is free and easy for business owners to promote their business here.


You use it for professional development.

All professionals used it, for finding the right candidate and much more benefits.

For Marketing:

It is an important tool for someone who markets their products and services.

Promoting Business:

If you want to promote your business online then this is best for you.

Most companies have their business page on it and they promote their business there sharing news about the company on the LinkedIn business page.

2. Make Connections:

This is a getaway that you can increase your connection if you’re using Facebook and you add their friends same as on LinkedIn you can make a connection here but should be professional nor the same as on Facebook.

  • You can add your colleagues.
  • You can add professional.
  • If you work with them earlier, you can add him or her.
  • So, if you’re working with them today, you can add them.
  • The people you will work with them in the future you can add as well.

3. Build for an Individual and Company’s Brand:

Basically, It is used for two types of elements.

For job Seeker and Company so job seeker uses it for the purpose of searching for a job or starting their career and the company creates a business page to promote or sell their brand.

Why It Is Important?

So now we will see why it is important?

Best Way to Be in Touch:

In busy life or after covid-19 it is very difficult to physically meet our friends, colleague, ex-colleague, or peers.

It is important in this way to provide us the opportunity that we can remain in touch all around the world.

So, you must create a LinkedIn profile to connect with the world.

For Your Identity:

Ass your identity card is your identity in your country so it is your professional identity where you can show your skill, expertise, and education to the world.

So, you can promote your business if your articles are written then you can post articles on it where you can promote your blog or articles.

If you’re doing business you can promote your products and services on it for free and you can advertise as well.

Know More Right People:

LinkedIn is especially where you can gain knowledge and you can share knowledge.

So nowadays it is working as an exchange the knowledge and value.

You can know great things from motivational or influencers when they share their knowledge, in the form of articles and posts on their timeline.

When a job seeker is looking for a job first, he/she will send a resume and wait.

Don’t know when he/she will get the response or what the status of the application is.

But on LinkedIn when you apply for any job you can follow up can see the activity of the company.

There are some FAQs about What is LinkedIn? and Why It Is Important?

Why LinkedIn Is Important for Students?

As LinkedIn is a professional platform so it is important for very professional same like students.

Students can share their knowledge that what they are studying and what they will do next.

Students you find internships here on it as well.

Why Is LinkedIn Important for Business?

In the Above, we discuss that LinkedIn is best for any business.

For business, they can create a company page, which will allow them to promote their products and services.

The company can share news about new products and services with clients and employees.

Why Is LinkedIn Important for Job Seekers?

The best question, from our point o view LinkedIn is only for job seekers when the job seeker applies for a job they don’t know when they will get a reply for it he can contact directly to the employer or HR manager.

Jobseeker can showcase their skills, education, and contact information so it’s easy to reach.

Why Is LinkedIn Important for Networking?

The best platform for networking in the world is Linkedin, especially for professionals.

So, if you want to increase your professional networking then it is important for you.

What Is LinkedIn Profile? How To Optimize LinkedIn Profile?

The profile should be professional and fully optimize.

You must add all the required information on it we listed all information below:

  • Profile Photo
  • Background Photo
  • Name Should Be Real
  • Headline
  • About Summary
  • Experience
  • Education
  • Company Information or Links
  • Licenses & certifications
  • Skills (Complete add 50 Skills)
  • Projects Detail
  • Language
  • Courses
  • Organization
  • Contact Info

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